Tuesday, July 20, 2010

As of 7/20/2010:

Here are the most recent pictures of the house and of the gardens. The old garden still has sweet corn, strawberries, and onions planted in it. The rest of the space will be used for a fall garden. The big garden has the tomatoes, summer & winter squash, cucumbers, green & black beans, okra, broccoli, watermelon, pumpkins, and peppers. Some things are growing better than others, but that is to be expected especially considering where I planted them. We finally have enough for the market, but I am going to Oklahoma this weekend so that is where the produce will be sold. Hayden's flowers continue to bloom and are just beautiful, as are the morning glories climbing the fence of the old garden. The house additions include the finished roof, guttering, and the painting of the attached building. Our most recent guests asked if it was a new side building - oh what a gallon of paint can disguise!

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