Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June - Time sure does fly!

So the official move for me happened at the end of May after the last day of school in Oklahoma. It was a very sad week and I was very sad to leave my friends and family in Oklahoma! Thankfully there is plenty to do up here that keeps my mind off of being sad about not being there! Plus it is my summer vacation, so that is something to be happy about! Yet again I have neglected the blog, but now that I will be staying in one place it should be a little easier to keep it updated (plus I promised numerous people that I would!) A lot of work has been done so it is hard to know where to start! There is the electric, the gardens, the new windows, the constant fight with weeds, and of course the continuous outside clean up effort! My mom showed these pictures to some of her friends and she couldn't believe it was the same couple - one weekend in Jamaica and the next planting our first tomatoes of 2010.

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